Contact Information

Michel Dumontier

Department of Biology
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1S 5B6

T. +1 (613) 520-2600
F. +1 (613) 520-3539

Marcel Turcotte
Associate Director

University of Ottawa
800 King Edward
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1N 6N5

T. +1 (613) 562-5800
F. +1 (613) 562-5664

Home | Ottawa-Carleton Joint Programs

These Institutes and research Centres offer both training and job opportunities to our students

The Bioinformatics Program stands as the educational part of a larger intiative, the Ottawa Institute for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (OICBB), which is a network of researchers in Ottawa who develop and employ bioinformatics or computational biology methods.
Last updated: 2010.09.05