Contact Information

Michel Dumontier

Department of Biology
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1S 5B6

T. +1 (613) 520-2600
F. +1 (613) 520-3539

Marcel Turcotte
Associate Director

University of Ottawa
800 King Edward
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1N 6N5

T. +1 (613) 562-5800
F. +1 (613) 562-5664

Home | Ottawa-Carleton Joint Programs


Michel Dumontier - Director
Michel Dumontier
Marcel Turcotte - Associate Director
Marcel Turcotte
Full-time Faculty
Stéphane Aris-Brosou
Biology; Mathematics and Statistics
Stéphane Aris-Brosou
Kristin Baetz
Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology
Kristin Baetz
David Bickel
Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology
David Bickel
James Cheetham
James Cheetham
Frank Dehne
Computer Science
Frank Dehne
Guy Drouin
Guy Drouin
Michel Dumontier
Biology; Biochemistry; Computer Science
Michel Dumontier
Daniel Figueys
Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology
Daniel Figueys
Ashkan Golshani
Ashkan Golshani
Root Gorelick
Root Gorelick
James Green
Systems and Computer Engineering
James Green
Ilya Ioshikhes
Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology
Ilya Ioshikhes
Mads Kaern
Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Mads Kaern
Evangelos Kranakis
Computer Science
Evangelos Kranakis
Theodore J. Perkins
Sprott Center for Stem Cell Research at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI)
Ted Perkins
Vladimir Pestov
Mathematics and Statistics
Vladimir Pestov
David Sankoff
Mathematics and Statistics; Computer Science; Biology
David Sankoff
Sanjoy Sinha
Mathematics and Statistics
Sanjoy Sinha
Alain Stintzi
Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology
Alain Stintzi
Marcel Turcotte
Computer Science
Marcel Turcotte
Gabriel Wainer
Systems and Computer Engineering
Gabriel Wainer
Xuhua Xia
Biology; Computer Science
Xuhua Xia
Last updated: 2010.09.05